
Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive a confirmation email once you have placed your order. As soon as your payment details have been approved by our team, your order will be processed.

If the item you order doesn't fit you, please be assured you can return it using our free returns service. To view our full returns policy, please click here

Yes, Zharova provides free worldwide shipping. Shipping costs and delivery times may vary. To find out the possibility of delivery to your country, contact our team support@zharova.com
We offer complimentary free worldwide shipping. Please note that shipping services may vary according to your shipping destination.
If you cancel your order before it is processed, we will refund you through your original payment method. If you paid by credit card, payment will usually be taken once your order is approved and ready for shipping. Please be aware that your bank or card issuer may reserve the money, meaning that you can't use it for a short period. If you cancel your order before it is processed, we will simply cancel the transaction and there will be no need to process a refund.
You will receive a confirmation email once you have placed your order. This does not mean your order has been accepted. Kindly note that orders are subject to payment approval. As soon as your payment details have been approved by our team, your order will be processed.

Unfortunately, once an order has been confirmed we are unable to cancel your order, please contact our customer service team via support@zharova.com for further support.
In the instance that you no longer want your order, we would advise you to wait for your order to be delivered and then use our free returns service. Once your return has been received and processed, you will receive your refund according to our Returns Policy

Contact support@zharova.com for up-to-date information
If you wish to change your shipping address after you have placed your order, please contact us directly via support@zharova.com . Please be advised that we cannot change the delivery address after the order has been shipped. It is not possible to change addresses to a different country.

We offer free returns for orders placed on Zharova.com. You can book a return collection within 14 days of receiving your order. Returns must be in original condition as per our Returns Policy.
To book your return collection please contact support@zharova.com
You will receive an email shortly after booking a return or exchange containing the return shipment labels. Please check your emails from us to retrieve these documents.

As soon as we receive your return you will receive an email notification.To track your return contact support@zharova.com . Please understand that returns may take approximately 7 business days to be delivered back to us.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept exchange requests for a different style. Please go to our returns page and follow the instructions to return your order. You will then need to place a new order for the desired item.

All returns are subject to assessment according to our returns policy. Once your return is accepted by our team you will receive a confirmation email. Refunds for the item value are made to the original method of payment. Depending on your bank’s billing cycle, it may take up to 14 business days for the transaction to appear in your account. You can always contact your bank to check the status of your.

Once your return is accepted by our team you will receive a refund of the item value to your original method of payment, excluding any initial shipping cost.
